Thursday, January 27, 2011

What is the Audit Commission of AEGEE doing?

Audit Commission

       The Audit Commission audits the finances of the association and advises the Financial Director andthe Agora accordingly.
      It is composed of three financially competent  AEGEE members, elected by the Agora, who are not members of the Comité Directeur.  
      They must be from three different AEGEE locals and are elected for the period until the next Agora.  
      They can be re-elected.  
      The President of the Audit Commission will be the member elected with the most votes.
      A Financial Director cannot be elected as member of the Audit Commission until his/her financial report has been approved by the Agora.

      The tasks of the Audit Commission are:
    • To check the bookkeeping of AEGEE-Europe,  AEGEE locals,  AEGEE Working Groups and
AEGEE-Europe events;
    • To approve the financial reports of AEGEE-Europe, AEGEE locals, AEGEE Working Groups
and AEGEE-Europe events;
    • To present their findings to each Agora. 
    The Audit Commission must meet at least once between two Agoras.